On My Reading List
Girl Stop Apologizing
Amazon Description: "Rachel Hollis is a force of inspiration who is impacting the world on a massive level. Her unapologetic message of self-worth continue to transform lives for many decades to come." - Trent Shelton, author, motivational speaker, and founder and CEO of Rehab Time
How are You, Really?
Amazon Description: Forget hustle harder. Forget that 5 am wake-up. Forget outlining your life plan in six-month, one-year, and five-year spans. Collectively, the recent history we have lived through has forced a cultural shift, a reframing of our perspective around what work is for, what work/life balance really means, and how we want to spend our time on the planet. In her first book, Jenna Kutcher—entrepreneur, photographer, Instagram influencer, teacher, mom, and host of the wildly popular Goal Digger podcast—shares her philosophy on how to live a life that exists outside the tired cliché of “having it all”. How Are You, Really? is about taking a moment to soak up the richness of the experience and creating a life that allows for that.
The Stories We Tell
Amazon Description: Imagine if all the worn-out, untrue, painful chapters of our lives started to quiet, and the beautiful, unique pieces of who we are were to rise. Imagine if the stories we tell brought us back to our true selves, back to one another. Imagine if they spoke of how we loved and lost and tried our best. How we saw it all, even the parts that hurt.
I'm Just a Kid with an IEP
Amazon Description: Jordan Toma is A Motivational Speaker, Financial Advisor and a real estate investor "But it hasn't always been this easy" My life has been a roller-coaster with this "Learning Disability" and I let it control my confidence and outlook on life for the first 18 years. I let it define me - it became a permanent label stuck to my shirt every day. I will give you an idea of what I mean. You know when you are attending a conference and they give you a name tag to pin to your shirt? As far as I was concerned I had a permanent name tag. But mine said "You're not as smart as everyone else. You can't do this". This happened to me because of my experience in school and it grew roots into everything I did. I would feel helpless in class. I struggled to understand why I couldn't just pick up information like everyone else. I remember sitting in class telling myself I am going to try really hard to understand everything in class today just like everyone else and be a normal student, but I just couldn't grasp it! I was made fun of because sometimes I had to have special lessons. Other students, even so called "friends" called me dumb. I let this problem control me until I graduated in 2008. I was accepted into a life changing program called The Step Ahead.
The Gift of the Unexpected
Amazon Description: Jillian Benfield was living life in the spotlight as a TV journalist, but after receiving a life-altering diagnosis for her unborn son, she realized no camera-ready outfit could dress up her grief.
Overcoming this unexpected circumstance wasn't an option. She would have to undergo it instead. In doing so, she discovered who she was and who God wanted her to become.
Learning never stops - continue to find new paths, new ways, and new information to keep growing
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