On the menu tonight….

Once I was in high school, one of the lessons mom wanted to make sure we knew to take care of ourselves was to cook. And I fell in love with making food with items that I love to eat.

To this day, when I have time to quiet the noise not only going on around me but also in my head, I like to break the meal down. So while it can look like chaos with ingredients around me, it allows me to focus on one thing that is created by me.

What do you do to quiet the noise and anxiety that can overwhelm you at times? Do you schedule this time in regularly or are you like me and when things get to be too much you just finally say STOP! and take your break?

Thanks, Mom for teaching more than just how to cook. You gave me life skills and a way to reflect, calm myself, and slow down.

(And side note, those of you who know me, know I love to have random small notes of Disney in my house. I don’t want them to be in your face, but instead little nods to the magic. Do you see my little hidden Mickey?)

On the menu tonight: Creamy Potato Soup

  • Nitrate free bacon

  • Pancetta

  • Onions

  • Butter

  • Garlic

  • Flour

  • Potatoes

  • Chicken broth

  • Skim milk

  • Heavy cream

  • Salt, pepper, smoked paprika

  • Mozzarella cheese


Look Mum….


A Reprieve