Finding Hope

This may not look like much to most, but it has been the source of agony for me the past month or so.

This cross was given to me by my sister after my mom died. I believe she got it on one of her trips over seas. It has been my security blanket on high anxiety days.

Well one day I was wearing it and the chain broke. I was driving when this happened so I put it in a pouch in my car to stay safe. Then a few days later I put it in a zippered pouch in my purse to stay safe until I could get a good chain for it…

Then I couldn’t find it

I got my prayer warriors on it at work and we prayed to the saints.

-and then today I checked all the purses I’ve checked a million times…and there it was.

So while to some it’s just a cross, to me it’s a prayer answered, a way to center myself, a way to know I’m ok.

Now to go buy a good chain for it.


Missing the phone Call


Happy Birthday